Saturday, December 3, 2011

it's not even 7 in the morning

and here you are wondering. "what's with the weather?".
the sky was rather grey yet the ray are apparent. appparent apparent. and the heat was obviously around though just a moment ago you were sure there are raindorps drizzling down on you. on your way too, you see the patchy wet trail on the asphalt. so really, what's with the weather?

you are in a rather bad mood. not bad bad. but bad enough for you to actually say you're not in a typically good mood. well, not that the weather has any contribution to it. never once weather be a trigger of what you are feeling. well unless it's about the heavy rain, which always lead to an equally heavy traffic, which apparently has the ability to pull out the worsts in you. but it's the traffic, not the weather.

but seriously, you're starting to shift in a transparent anxiety now, what's with the weather. the more you contemplate the more it irked you. not irk, irk. more like some non apparent itch that begs you to scratch. nope, it's not apparent, it's not even actually itches. but you do scratch on them. and the itch still being it's there-not there self. and it makes you more and more annoyed.

you're totally not in love with the day. tou are never the type that looks forward on a day, a usual work day especially. holiday, yes. but a work day, nope not once. not even back then when you were once someone who love filling your day with hardwork. that someone died sometime ago, prolly killed by lack of appreciation, you can't really point out when. really, never once you are one so spirited in the morning.

but even when you aren't one bouncy worker, a day is usually just a day. no overwhelming love nor energy, but not dislike either. today too, supposedly just another day. if not for the weather that irked you.

you let out a heavy sigh. let's not blame the weather, you tell yourself. it's not even 7 in the morning and you are complaining. about something nonexistent. you will find yourself extinct in less than 10 years, due to stroke, if you keep being so, you ensure yourself. mood boosters. all hail the deprivation of mood boosters. how the world is in a conspiracy to put you into extinction. it's not even 7 in the morning, and you are wondering how you will survive through your day. or how people around you will.

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